Well, that was an original title~~don't ya think?? We had a nice relaxing day today.
Slept in a bit then had coffee and knitted and KK was still snoozing. That's unusual for him. DD called her furnace quit and her house was down to 58~~I laughed because we turn our heat down every night and some mornings it's that cold in here and the furnace is working!! Thank goodness KK is the first up and he always turns the heat up for me so by the time I crawl out of bed it's warmed up!
Anyway we picked DS up and then DD and friend and off for Chinese we went! No cooking for me this year! We took a ride through Buffalo to the Peace Bridge and scooted over to Canada to our favorite Chinese restaurant. It was so good and we ate so much!! Have to confess on the ride home I had to unsnap my jeans!!
DS came back here with us and he got my exercise bike out of the car, finally!! I think I wrote about it awhile back?? Someone down the street had it out in their driveway and I asked them if they were selling/tossing it? They were tossing it out so I asked if they minded if I took it~~he was more than happy to put it in the car for me. Good thing because I never would have gotten it in by myself ~~it's heavy!
It's all dusty but I'll clean it up tomorrow and see how it works. I had DS put it here in the family room so maybe I can watch TV and ride. We'll see~~
The best news is yesterday when I got home from my friends house I had a package!!! I totally forgot my SP said I should watch for something!!
I'm going to add a photo but I must say she sent me the best color of yarn!! It's so me!!! Browns/oranges/rusts it's sooo kewl!!!! It's one of the Knit Picks sock garden yarns~~hmm,wonder if this will pool? This is different from the yarn she sent last month. I might just have to cast on even before I finish the Opals!!
This is so funny~~DD was just praising the virtues of Tea to me and what does SP send?? Tea!!! I'm going to try this kind as soon as I take my bath! The Ginger tea came in the prettiest bag from Napal~~you'll see in the photo. When I opened the box I'm thinking "what is that smell?" there was a baggie with something wrapped up and I thought it was more tea~~lol~~~I opened it and it's hand-made Jasmine soap that smells fantastic! SP shopped at 10,000 villages!! I had never heard of these until a short time ago DD and I went to one that has just opened not too far from where she lives. These gifties reminded of it--I must go back!! Thank you SP~~I love it all!!
Off to a hot bath and then my tea!!